Skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project:
1. Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione (IULM);
Andrea Miconi:
Associate Professor, Department of Media, Arts & Communication. Visiting lecturer at USP University, Sao Paolo (2007-2011). Adjunct Professor at USI– University of Italian Switzerland (2013-2016). Coordinator of the Master Program in Management of Creative Processes at IULM University (2007-2010). PHD, Sapienza University of Rome (2001). Coordinator of IULM University Unit in the Tempus Project“e-MEDia.A bottom-up approach for the design and pilot of a joint Master Course in Cross-Media Journalism” (2013-2017). Didactic coordinator of international exchanges (among IULM and Tunisian, Brazilian and Lebanese universities).
Expert Peer-Reviewer for ItalianNationalScientific Evaluation (CINECA). Member of the Scientific Board, PHD Program in Visual and Media Studies (IULM).
Simone Sibilio:
Fixed-term research assistant (Ricercatore Rtd A) in Arabic language and literature at the IULM University of Language and Communication, he is Scientific Director of the Master of Oriental Languagesand Cultures (MiLCO). He was research fellow at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice with a project on Arab Geopoetry and teacher of Arab Media and Communication at the MISLAM Master of Luiss University in Rome. His main areas of research Modern Arab Poetry, Palestinian Question, Arab Cultural and Media Studies, Arab Cinema, Literary Translation.Among his latest publicationsNakba. La memoria letteraria della catastrofe palestinese (Nakba. The Literary Memory of the Palestinian Catastrophe), Edizioni Q, Roma, 2013, II° 2015; and the editing ofVoci dal mondo arabo. Cronache e testimonianze delle transizioni in Egitto, Siria, Tunisia e Yemen (Voices from the Arab World.Chronicles and testimonies of the transitions in Egypt, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen), Domenico Melidoro, Simone Sibilio (eds.), Apes, Roma 2014. Coordinator of the Scientic Monitoring Project "Arab World Monitoring” (2017-2018).
Marta Rovetta:
Supervisor, Master Program in Eastern Languages and Cultures. UNESCO Steering Committee Member (since 2011), expert in the field of cultural heritage and diversity of cultural expressions. For IULM University participated to the Tempus Project eMEDia “A bottom
up approach for the design and pilot of a joint Master Course in Cross-Media Journalism”, and is currently working atCreative Europe Project “Teaching European History through Cinema (TEHC)”, 2017-2018.
Gianni Canova:
Full Professor and Vice-Rector, Responsible for Didactic Activities. Former Dean of the Faculty of Communication, Public Relations , Advertising. For IULM University is the coordinator of theCreative Europe Project “Teaching European History through Cinema (TEHC)”.
He has founded the monthly magazine Duel (now “Duellanti”), about cinema and visual culture and he has been a film reviewer for several Italian newspapers: “La Repubblica”, “Il Manifesto”, “Il Corriere della Sera” and “La Voce”. He is currently author and host of the TV programme “Il
Cinemaniaco” on Sky Cinema and he is also film columnist on “Saturno”. He has written many essays and edited the “Enciclopedia del Cinema” (CinemaEncyclopedia). Since 2010 he has been President of CUC, the association gathering the professors of Cinema, Television and New Media of the Italian universities.
2. Unione delle Università del Mediterraneo (UNIMED):
Marcello Scalisi:
Marcello Scalisi is the Director of UNIMED – Mediterranean Universities Union – since 2008. He holds a degree in Historical Sciences and in International Cooperation at the Faculty of Literature, Philosophy and Languages of University of Roma Tre, Rome. He gained extensive experience in Sicily in the sustainable tourism sector, managing and monitoring EU projects for local tourism development and providing vocational training for dozens of companies and thousands of workers. He started working at UNIMED in 1998 as project manager and moved gradually to the coordination of UNIMED’s European, International and National funded
initiatives and projects. Since Marcello Scalisi became director of UNIMED, there has been a significant increase of the number of associated universities to the network, funded projects and employees and collaborators. Moreover, UNIMED is nowadays a permanent stakeholder of
the European Commission.
Raniero Chelli:
Active since 1985 in European projects (mainly in RTD, training and international cooperation), as a Commission Official (ESPRIT Programme 85- 88), Project Manager, Project Design specialist, Evaluator and reviewer, Quality assurance manager, National Delegate in IST management
Committees and as a trainer on EU programmes and funding. He is currently the Coordinator of EU project at UNIMED, to facilitate access to EU funding by identifying appropriate calls for proposals, helping them in setting up successful proposals and consortia, and where applicable, supporting the management of selected projects with a particular emphasis on Quality Assurance. Over the years, he has managed more than 10 significant projects funded by
the European Commission through R&D Framework Programmes, TEMPUS, Erasmus+ and Euromed Heritage and he has consequently acquired an outstanding experience in managing large and complex international publicly funded projects, especially as regards the planning the activities of a highly diversified consortia, conflicts resolution and administrative matters.
Marco Di Donato:
PhD researcher in Political Thinking and Political Communication, Marco Di Donato also holds a Master Degree cum laude in Arabic language and Islamic Studies at the L'Orientale University of Naples (Italy). He focuses his research on the Islamist movement in Middle East area. Author of several publications with Italian and International publishing houses, in 2015 he published his first monograph on “Hezbollah, the Lebanese Resistance Movement” edited by Mimesis. Proficient in Arabic and English languages, he was teacher (2013-2015) of “Islam and Politics” course at FUA (Florence University of Arts) in Florence. Since 2014, he is part of the UNIMED Research Unit. From 2016 he is Professor of "History of Islamic Countries" and "Islamic Thought" at the University of Trento.
Cristina Stefanelli:
Cristina Stefanelli joined UNIMED in 2013 as project manager. She has a background in Architecture and Urban Planning and she has worked for several years at the Multimedia Research Lab at the University Iuav of Venice. From 2000 onwards, she became increasingly involved in national and international projects in the field of technology-enhanced learning, geo
information systems, teaching and learning technologies, 3D virtual environments and virtual mobility. She has designed and led a number of training initiatives including secondary school and university teacher training and she is an experienced workshop facilitator in the area of learning innovation. She has also a significant experience in the monitoring and evaluation of small andlarge scale projects (R&D Framework Programmes as well as projects funded by the LLP, ALFA, Tempus and Erasmus+), including technical and financial reporting.
Anne-Laurence Pastorini:
Anne-Laurence Pastorini holds a Master Degree in International Administration (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) and gained experience in international cooperation within different institutions (French Embassy in Algeria, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, World Bank Regional
Office in Dakar) with a strong focus for university cooperation and the Maghreb region. From 2015 to 2017, she was in charge of Maghreb Mediterranean partnerships for Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University where she accompanied the creation of the Chaire Maghreb. Anne-aurence joined UNIMED in September 2017.
3. Universidade de Aveiro (UAVR):
Vania Baldi:
Assistant Professor at the University of Aveiro, has a degree in Sociology from La Sapienza University of Roma, has a master’s degree in “Identité et Unité de l’homme” CETSAH/EHESS/CNRS, France) and Phd in “Ethics and Anthropology” from the University of Salento (Italia). He is a supervisor in the Communication and Art Department in an undergraduate degree (New Communication Technologies), a master degree (Multimedia
Communication), doctoral degrees (Information and Communication in Digital Platforms and Cultural Studies). As a member of the research unit Digimedia (Digital Media and Interaction- his research interests are related with Network Society, Hypermediated Space and Civic Media, Affordance of Algorithms in Our Lives, relationship between Immediacy and Hypermediacy inDigital Culture, Spreadable Media among Open Innovation and InfoWar, Engagement and Authorship in Web Doc.
He is responsible for the Cibercultura working group of the Portuguese communication science association. He has participated in the realization of two Erasmus + projects (KA2): MOOC Minorities as opportunity and occasion for chrysalis) and ToBeOf (To be or not to be ... formal).
Pedro Alexandre Ferreira dos Santos Almeida:
Got his graduation in New Communication Technologies by the University of Aveiro and his PhD in the same university in Sciences and Communication Technologies. Actually he is a lecturer and supervisor in the Communication and Art Department in an undergraduate degree (New Communication Technologies), a master degree (Multimedia Communication) and doctoral
degrees (Information and Communication in Digital Platforms and Multimedia in Education). As a member of the research unit Digimedia (Digital Media and Interaction- ttp:// and the Social iTV group (, he develops his research activities in the field of new media, cross-platform and transmedia narratives and video. He has been responsible for several projects in the field of (Social) Interactive Television towards an understanding and reshape of the new television ecosystem. He has special interests in multimedia communication systems and applications aiming the promotion of social practices around AV content in iTV, web or mobile.
Luís Francisco Mendes Gabriel Pedro:
Present Projects:
2017-2020: Researcher of the Project CeNTER- Community led Territorial Innovation. Funding Centro2020 (€1.200.000).
2015-2018: Researcher at the Erasmus+ MIND_SAFETY project.
Funding: Erasmus+ National Agency (€434.181,00).
2015-2018: Researcher at the Games for Media and Information
Literacy project. FCT+University of Texas at Austin research programmes. Funding: FCT (€199.937,00).
Scientific Interests:
Social media development, integration and assessment in educational and training contexts Information and Communication Technologies, Technology Enhanced Learning, Personal Learning Environments.
Maria João Lopes Antunes:
(01/09/2010- ...) Assistant Professor (Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro).
(01/04/2017– 30/06/2017)Visiting researcher, Center for Internet Studies and Digital Life,University of Navarra, Spain.
(2007) Ph.D. in Sciences and Technologies of Communication, University of Aveiro.
(1998) Degree in New Communication Technologies, University of Aveiro.
Supervision of academic work:
Supervision of 4 completed Ph.D.thesis (Information and Communication in Digital Platforms)
Supervision of 27completed master thesis (Multimedia Communication)
Team member in research projects:
2016-2018- +TV4E: Interactive Television as a support to social services broadcast for seniors. Research institutions: CIC.Digital. Financed by: FCT. FCT- PTDC/IVC-COM/3206/2014-TV4E. 110.712,00 €.
2015-2018- IMPRINT+- Imprinting an ecological compensation reasoning on society by means of youth citizens. Financed by: Erasmus+. 410.325,00 €.
4. Universidad de Granada (UGR):
Dr. Jordi Alberich-Pascual:
Jordi Alberich Pascual is Associate Professor in Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the University of Granada. He is the currently Academic Coordinator of its Bachelor’s Degree in Audiovisual Communication, and Deputy Director of the Department of Information and Communication at the University of Granada. His teaching and research activity has been
developed asa research expert in collaborative communication. He is the Principal Investigator of the Communicav Research Group (, and also member of the Secaba Research Laboratory (, boths at the Universidad de Granada.He
is the author and co-author of more than a dozen books on information and communication in the digital era, includingTendencias de la investigación española universitaria en Comunicación (Thomson Reuters-Aranzadi, 2017), Políticas de impulso a las industrias audiovisuales (Comunicación Social, 2015),Comprender los Media en la sociedad de la información (Editorial
UOC, 2012),Previously On.Interdisciplinary studies on TV series in the Third Golden Age of Television (Monográphicos FRAME, 2011),Exploraciones creativas.Prácticas artísticas y culturales de los nuevos medios (Editorial UOC, 2010), andComunicación audiovisual digital. Nuevos medios, nuevos usos, nuevas formas (Editorial UOC, 2005), among others.
Dr. Domingo Sánchez-Mesa:
Domingo Sánchez-Mesa Martínez is Full Professor in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature at University of Granada. He is currently academic coordinator of the Master of interactive new media and multimedia journalism at University of Granada, and has been the academic supervisor of the official undergraduate program in Audiovisual Communication (2010-
2015). As researcher, he has more than 60 titles (books and scientific articles) on various fields: contemporary literary theory (Literatura y cultura de la responsabilidad, on Mikhaíl Bakhtin’s work and thought), comparative literature (on Francisco Ayala, Enrique Vila-Matas or Claudio Magris), Spanish poetry (XX-XXI), interart and intermedial studies (adaptations literature-cinema-videogames) or imagology of immigration in literature and cinema, and has coordinated the Project Images of immigration. A major trend in his publications is cyber culture and new media (member of the research group on e-literature Hermeneia) from where he is developing as director the research Project “Nar-Trans”, Transmedia Narratives ( He has also been guest professor at UMass Amherst (fall 2012) and guest lecturer at CUNY (Graduate Center, NY), Columbia Univ. (Barnard College), KULeuven (Be), Beijing-Beida (Ch) or Passau (Ge) among other foreign universities.
Dr. José-Ángel Ruiz-Jiménez:
José Ángel Ruiz Jiménez is Associate Professor and academic coordinator of Interuniversity Master in Culture of Peace, Conflict, Education and Human Rights of the University of Granada, with experience on the field in conflict and post conflict scenarios of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Colombia, Kosovo, Mexico, Peru, Serbia and Ukraine. He has teaching experience related to the
project in Conflict Analysis and Management (MA course, UGR, 2012- present), The Power of Peace and Nonviolence (MA course, UGR, Universidad de Malaga and Universidad de Cordoba 2009-present), Armed Conflicts (MA course, Universidad Jaume I de Castellon 2011-2016), New
Tendencies in Peace and Conflict Studies (MA course, Universidad Jaume I de Castellon, 2017-present). He is the author and/or co-author of numerous publications on peace and conflicts like (2016)Y llegó la Barbarie. Nacionalismo y juegos de poder en la destrucción de Yugoslavia. Barcelona, Ariel; (2016)El otro lado de la paz. Lecciones zende Fight Club. Revista de
Paz y Conflictos, Vol. 9, No 1, pp.73-94; (2010)Balcanes, la herida abierta de Europa. Conflicto y reconstrucción de la convivencia. Madrid, Plaza y Valdés; or (2005)Nationalism and Conflict in the Basque Country.A Proposal for Peace and Reconciliation, en Conflict and Nationalism in Europe: Challenges of the EU Enlargement. Sofia (Bulgary), Evropartniori, among others.
Dr. Diego Checa-Hidalgo:
Dr. Diego Checa Hidalgo is Assistant Professor in the Department of Contemporary History at the University of Granada and Executive Editor of Revista de Paz y Conflictos. During 2014 he was Visiting Research Fellow in the Political Sciences Department of An Najah National University (Palestinian Territories). Previously he was Marie Curie Research Fellow in
Coventry University from 2011 to 2013. His main research interests lie in Nonviolence Theory and Practice, Mediterranean Contemporary History, Conflict Resolution, and Peace Education. Currently, he is carrying on a research about civil resistance in rural areas and its contributions to violence prevention, peace building and conflict transformation in Colombia and
Palestine. Doctor Checa Hidalgo is part of the Ethics, Politics, and Contemporary Conflicts Research Group (University of Granada) and member of the Peace and Conflict Institute (University of Granada). He is also external member of the Centre for International Cooperation and Development Studies (University of Bucharest).
Dr. Francisco-Javier
Dr. Francisco-Javier Gómez-Pérez:
Francisco Javier Gómez Pérez is Assistant Professor in Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the Department of Information and Communication at the University of Granada. He is the currently Vice-dean of Infrastructures and Economic Affairs of the Faculty of Communication and Documentation at the University of Granada. His teaching and research
activity has been developed as a research expert in Media Production. He is currently member of the Communicav Research Group ( PhD by the University of Seville with a doctoral thesis that received the RTVA Award for Best Doctoral Thesis on Media
Thematic. He is the author and/or co-author of more than ten books on media creation and production, including , among others. He is the author and/or co-author of more than a ten books on information and communication media production, and published in numerous impact
journals, like Communication & Society, Zer, Doxa, Análisì, Icono 14, Sphera Pública, Razón y Palabra, Comunicación, Trípodos, among others.
Dr. Juan-Ángel Jódar-Marín:
Juan Ángel Jódar is Assistant Professor in Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the Department of Information and Communication at the University of Granada. He is the currently teacher of Production and Postproduction Media subjects on the Faculty of Communication and
Documentation at the University of Granada. His teaching and research activity has been developed in recent years onthe formats of videos, the new digital media, and the distribution of videos over the Internet. He has also participated in different national symposia and international congresses related to these matters. He is currently member of the Communicav
Research Group (, and also research collaborator of the Research Project Transmedialization and crowdsourcing in audiovisual, journalistic, dramatic and literary narratives of fiction and nonfiction ( is the author and/or co-author of
numerous research articles in impact journals, like Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación, Razón y Palabra, Telos, o Icono 14, among others.
5. Sapienza Università di Roma (UNIROMA 1):
Romana Andò:
Assistant Professor of ‘Audience Theory and Analysis’ and ‘Cross-Media Publishing’ at Sapienza University of Rome. Her research interests concern audience studies,media consumption practices online creativity,online fandom practices, TV engagement and social television.
She is Fashion Studies Master Coordinator at Sapienza University of Rome and Erasmus Coordinator for Fashion Studies Bachelor and Master From 2013is thescientificcoordinator (with Alberto Marinelli) of ‘Social TV Observatory’ at Digilab Sapienza, a research project on social and connected TV, financed by the most relevant Italian TV broadcasters (Rai, Sky, Mediaset, Viacom,Fox Channels, Discovery Channels, Laeffe, AXN).
She authored several books and journal articles. Among the others:
Andò R., Marinelli A., (2018),Televisions, Guerini Editore (forthcoming) Andò, R., Marinelli A., (2016),Youtube Content Creators.Volti, formati e esperienze produttive nel nuovo ecosistema mediale, Egea Milano Andò, R., Leonzi S.,(2013),Transmedia storytelling e audience engagement,
Armando Editore Andò R., Marinelli A., (2016), “From Linearity to Circulation.How TV Flow Is
Changing in Networked Media Space, TECNOSCIENZA Italian Journal of
Science and Technology Studies 7 (2) pp. 105-129– Andò, R. (2014), «What does TV actually mean? New consumer experience and generations» in Participation. Journal of audience and reception studies, Volume 11, Issue 2 Andò, R., Marinelli, A. (2014) «Multiscreening andSocial TV: The Changing Landscape of TV Consumption in Italy», View Journal of European Television
History and Culture Andò, R., Corsini F., Pizza S.,(2016)" Watching television today. A
comparative survey of Italian and American students’ habits in front of television", Journal of Italian Cinema & Media Studies Volume 4 Number 2 pp. 283–306
Gaetano Lettieri:
Gaetano Lettieri is full professor at the Department of History, Cultures,Religions of Sapienza University of Rome, where he is also coordinator of the Second-Level Degree in Publishing and Writing. For the same department, he has been president of the didactic area of courses for the three-year degree and master’s degree in Religious Studies. He is president of the CUSCC (University Council of Historians of Christianity and Churches), guest
professor in pre-dogmatic Christology for the Faculty of Theology and History of Patristic Theology at the Istituto Patristicum Augustinianum of the Pontifical University of the Lateran in Rome, guest professor in history of Christian thought for the Pontificio Ateneo Antonianum, and Principal Investigator of numerous research projects. He is currently scientific director
of a Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant.
Francesco Saverio Vetere:
Journalist, he is theGeneral Secretary and President of USPI(Unione Stampa Periodica Italiana/ Italian Periodical Press Union) Executive Committee. He was alsoPresident of the Italian Periodical Press World Committee. He is Professor of History of Periodical Press forthe MA course (Laurea magistrale) in Publishing and Writing at Sapienza,University of Rome, and
Lecturerfor theMasterin Cultural Heritage Communication,for the same University.
He authored the"Guide of the Italian Periodical Press"(ed. 2001/2002); and "Discourse on publishing", Rome 2002.
Giuseppe Anzera:
Assistant Professor at Sapienza University. He teaches International Relations and Institutional
Communications at Department of Communication and Social Research and is involved in research projects on comparative analysis on Emergency Communication through Social Media tools and on social and political mobilization in South Mediterranean Countries.
In 2014 he was the Scientific Coordinator of the “1st training course for journalists of Libyan national channel”. Partners of this project where Sapienza University (Coris Department), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Copeam (Permanent Conference of Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators), Rai. Role in the project:- planning phase: project drafting about the analysis of
transformation processes in the Middle East, of Libyan media development after Gaddafi's death. Training phase: Lesson on the topic: Libyan media in transition
He is also member of OSN (Observatory on National Security) where he analyzes the progress in Civilian-Military Cooperation during emergencies. Previously he attained a Phd in Methodology of Social and Political Science at Sociology Faculty, Sapienza University, and he is now
engaged in methodological evaluation of Social Network Analysis techniques.
He is the author of a number of books on International Relations focused on internationale security (2010, Flussi di armamenti e politica, internazionale– Weapon flows and International Politics, Guerini Edition, Milano; 2005, La Potenza incompiuta, The Incomplete Power, Franco Angeli Edition , Milano - 2005 Digital Worlds , (Anzera G, Comunello F eds), Guerini, Milano.
Elena Valentini:
Elena Valentini, Phd, currently teaches Innovation and analysis of journalism models. Lecturer in Sociology of communication and cultural processes and Assistant Professor at Sapienza University.Previously she was Assistant Professor of Theory, ethical questions, law principles of journalism;On line information and journalism;Multimedia Publishing. She has also taught at PhD programme and other post-graduate level courses. Her research interests include journalism, with a focus on digital journalism, and multimedia publishing. She is member of the Scientific Board of Phd in Communication, Social Research and Marketing at Sapienza University and member of the editorial board of Problemi dell’Informazione. Moreover, she is member of the group for the Auto-Evaluation of Degree Course “Communication, technologies and digital culture” (Sapienza University).
She authored “Dalle gazzette all'iPad. Il giornalismo al tempo dei tablet, Mondadori”, 2012 (a book which analyses the evolution of newspapers with a communicative and social perspective, focusing on opportunities and limits of tablets in the editorial and information system), and several peer reviewed articles about journalism.
6. University of Tripoli (UOT):
Dr.Khaled Gulam:
Staff Member and Coordinator of the media lab at Tripoli and Zawia university.
-Coordinating around 35 radio talk shows in various Libyan cities 2012 to 2014.
-Coordinating many training sessions in various Libyan cities 2012- 2013-
- Head of the Media Department at the University of Tripoli in 2012-2013.
-Chairman of the training centre for the press authority 2012.
- Head of Media Department of the Open University 2010- 2011
- Director of Documentation and Information Office of press authority (2005).
-Cooperation with Thompson Foundation for Media (UK 2006).
-Journalist in many newspapers and magazines Libya(1998- 2002).
Recent publications:
1- Libyan Media scene after the revolution of February 17. The paper presented to the Conference of the Arab media landscape in the Arab Spring countries, Tunisia, 2014
2- Employ the Media Lab to teach courses Media Department. It was published in Al-Jameai Magazine January 2015.
Prof. Ali M. K. Farfar:
Born in 1951. Received his BA degree in journalism from Cairo University, Egypt, his MA degree from the University of Minnesota, USA and his Ph.D. degree from the University of Vienna, Austria. He has over forty years of experience in teaching, training, research and administration in journalism and mass communication. Currently, he serves as the Director of Graduate
Studies at the Faculty of Arts and Media, University of Tripoli, Libya.
Dr. Emad Bennour:
A Fulbright Alumnus. Director of the Inernational Cooperation Office (ICO) at UoT. Former Head of Higher Education (Erasmus+/H2020) European Projects Committee at UoT. A Key Staff in Erasmus Mundus/ BATTUTA and Erasmus+ CBHE/ ENROL, Erasmus+/ EuNIT and Erasmus+/ ENERBRAIN Projects. Member of UoT Rank Committee. An Assistant Professor at the Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UoT. A Former Head of the Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UoT. A trainee in the Course Development and Leadership Theory workshops, Omaha, NE (2013). A Member of the Editorial Board of Libyan Journal of Veterinary and Medical Sciences.
7. University of Zawia (ZU):
Dr. Abdulbast Kriama:
He is the Director of the international cooperation office and lecturer in Mechanical engineering department. Dr. Kriama is an International affairs coordinator and management; Computer and
statistical programmes such as Eviews and STATA; Preservation of the dates and time commitment.
Dr. Ousama Rhouma:
- Assistant Professor.
- Head of Pediatric and preventive dentistry department.
- Member of Scientific committee at Zawia Dental School.
- Member of International committee of Pediatric dental research
- Trainer in the strategic planning.
- Vice Director of International Cooperation Office at Uni. Of Zawia.
- Strategic planning and Leading groups.
-Governance, Managements and financing of higher education institutions.
-Critical thinking and critical appraisal.
- Project management
PAgES aims at contributing to the modernization of the HE in Libya through a bottom-up approach for the design and pilot of a Master Course in Cross-Media Journalism. The Master targets young people studying communication and young professionals, who wish to specialize in the strategic field of digital journalism.More...
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